Who Is Dr. Hamza Al – Mustapha, Action Alliance’ Presidential Candidate?

By Rabiu Muhammad Shuaib

In recent times, a good many concerned Nigerians have been craving to know the shoulder on whom the next mantle of leadership falls (in few months away from today). Thus, questions are being asked concerning the presidential aspirant, Dr. Hamza Al Mustapha. So, my fellow Nigerians, WHO IS DR. HAMZA AL MUSTAPHA? Can he handle the “Next Nigeria?”

Al Mustapha is a Nigerian with excellences in all the criteria for running for the position of “Number One Citizen”. With leadership experiences during the Abacha’s regime, Al Mustapha was the man behind Nigeria when Nigeria was “Nigeria”. That is the Nigeria we miss everyday. Everyday to the extent that we all become so angry internally without knowing when and how we have become so aggressive. This is the reality, dear fellow concerned Nigerians who have got no where else but Nigeria!

Our fathers and elders will testify to all the statements here. All you need do is ask around by your own self to know who Al Mustapha really is! We must all know that Al Mustapha understands and knows the country in and out – including the few fellows who never bother and care for the progress and development of the One Big Giant Family! Al Mustapha has got enough knowledge and experiences on how the Nigeria Economy works.

Al Mustapha cares not about the PP, “Party Politics” being played all angles. All that matters is Nigeria as “The Country we all hope it to be! Out dream home! I see no one more suitable to take over Nigeria than Dr. For with Dr., Law and Order will have no option but prevail nation wide. For with Dr., Dignity will be restored to the country . And for with Dr., Truthfulness amongst our leaders will be forced!

It is high time we waved goodbye hands to that Nigeria we all despise, for I know, with all my heart, that Nigerians want progress and a new rebirth nation. We must never let history repeat itself. My fellow Nigerians, aren’t we tired of “Party Politics?” The ball is now in our court. We are all responsible for the “Next Nigeria.”