The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) Kwara State Command, has arrested an immigrant from Benin Republic, Adamu Sabi Sime, for allegedly having canal knowledge of his biological mother. Spokesperson of the command, Babawale Afolabi, who disclosed this in a statement in Ilorin on Saturday, September 11, also confirmed that Adamu’s mother has given birth to three children for her son.”On Thursday September 9, 2021, one Mallam Bandede, the district head of Mosne Had community in the Kaiama local government area of the state reported an incestuous act being committed by one Adamu Sabi Sime and his mother, Fati Sime, of the same community,” the statement said.“Men from the intelligence unit and NSCDC operatives in Kaiama swung into action and the outcome of the investigations established the fact that the mother (Fati) has three children for her biological son. Further check revealed that the younger brother of the accused, who was also confirmed to be sleeping with the mother is now at large.”The NSCDC command also said that the mother and her two sons do not have necessary papers to stay in Nigeria, adding that the suspects had been handed over to the Nigeria lmmigration Service for background check and further actions.
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